Sport Activities
Paras Public School

Paras Public School

Sports & Cultural Activities


Sports and games are means of mental and physical growth. During sports, we come to learn many things. We learn how to maintain mental balance in the midst of hopes and despair. Sports develop a sense of friendliness. Either studying or working alone makes us exhausted. We remain no longer efficient to do any work. Sports remove our mental exhaustion. Sports are part of the academic curriculum.

Mountain Top
Palm Trees
Neon Sign
Neon Sign

Cultural Activities

Cultural activities come into play in installing various social skills in the students… Encouraging students to participate in cultural activities in the most effective way to inculcate personality-related skills. These include activities like dancing, singing, sports, etc. Some of the important cultural activities are:-

  • Local Festival
  • Dance & Music Events
  • Dramatic & Parades
  • Debates & Speeches
  • Charity Events
  • Sports Events
  • Painting Competitions
  • Exhibition & Workshop

Where student’s stage fear vanish, better academic performance, a good understanding of time managements Learned new skills, sense of responsibility, increase self-confidence & stage exposure